The Mindset

The Fantasy Trap: Why We Fall for Limerence Objects

Written by Mindset App Team | Jul 8, 2024 8:09:28 AM

Limerence is a term that describes an intense infatuation with someone, often leading to an escape into a world of fantasy. This state can significantly impact our emotions, perceptions, and relationships. But what exactly is a limerence object, and why do we fall for them? In this article, we will explore the concept of a limerence object, the characteristics of limerence, and why it serves as an escape route into fantasy.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a Limerence Object (LO)?
  2. The Characteristics of Limerence
  3. The Science Behind Limerence
  4. Why Do We Escape into Fantasy with a Limerence Object?
  5. Limerence Relationships in Pop Culture
  6. The Psychological Impact of Limerence
  7. CPTSD and Limerence
  8. How to Recognize and Manage Limerence
  9. Conclusion


What is a Limerence Object (LO)?

Defining Limerence

Limerence is characterized by an intense, involuntary, and obsessive attraction to someone, which can dominate a person's thoughts and emotions. This state often involves idealizing the object of one's affection, known as the limerence object. For a deeper understanding of limerence, you can read more about living with limerence.

Identifying a Limerence Object

A limerence object is typically someone who is perceived as perfect or ideal, often unattainable. This person becomes the focus of the limerent's fantasies and desires, leading to an escape from reality.

The Role of Idealization

Idealization plays a crucial role in limerence. The limerent person tends to overlook any flaws or shortcomings of the limerence object, creating a perfect, albeit unrealistic, image of them. This idealization fuels the fantasy and keeps the limerence alive.

Putting the Limerence Object on a Pedestal

One of the most significant aspects of limerence is the tendency to put the limerence object on a pedestal. This means viewing them as flawless, superior, and almost divine, to the point where their perceived perfection becomes a source of the limerent's intense emotional highs and lows.

When someone is placed on a pedestal, their every action is interpreted through the lens of idealization. Positive interactions are magnified, creating intense joy and euphoria, while any perceived neglect or indifference can lead to profound despair. This exaggerated response is due to the limerent's belief that the limerence object holds the key to their happiness and fulfillment.

Placing someone on a pedestal often involves:

  • Ignoring Flaws: The limerent disregards or rationalizes any negative traits or behaviors of the limerence object.
  • Exaggerating Positives: Positive qualities and actions of the limerence object are magnified, creating an unrealistic image of perfection.
  • Seeking Validation: The limerent's self-worth becomes tied to the approval and reciprocation from the limerence object.
  • Obsessive Thoughts: The limerent constantly thinks about the limerence object, often fantasizing about an idealized relationship.

This pedestal effect can lead to a distorted perception of reality, making it difficult for the limerent to see the limerence object as a regular, flawed human being. It can also prevent the limerent from engaging in healthy, reciprocal relationships, as they may be overly focused on someone who may not reciprocate their feelings.

The Characteristics of Limerence

Symptoms of Limerence

The symptoms of limerence include obsessive thoughts about the limerence object, a constant craving for reciprocation, and emotional highs and lows based on interactions or lack thereof. These symptoms can be overwhelming and all-consuming. For more on recognizing these symptoms, read about overcoming a limerence affair.

Emotional Rollercoaster of Limerence

Limerence often involves an emotional rollercoaster, where the limerent experiences intense joy and euphoria when receiving positive attention from the limerence object, and deep despair when that attention is lacking.

The Science Behind Limerence

Research suggests that limerence may be linked to certain brain chemicals and pathways, similar to those involved in addiction. This explains why limerence can feel so powerful and difficult to overcome.

Brain Chemistry and Limerence

The intense feelings associated with limerence are believed to be driven by a combination of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Dopamine, in particular, plays a significant role in the reward and pleasure centers of the brain, creating feelings of euphoria and desire when we think about or interact with the limerence object. This flood of dopamine can make the limerence object seem even more appealing, reinforcing the obsessive thoughts and behaviors associated with limerence.

The Pedestal Effect

Putting the limerence object on a pedestal further amplifies these brain chemical reactions. When we idealize someone and view them as perfect, our brain's reward system is constantly activated in their presence or even at the mere thought of them. This idealization can lead to an exaggerated release of dopamine, making the limerence object appear even more desirable and unattainable. The pedestal effect can create a vicious cycle where the limerent person becomes increasingly obsessed with their limerence object, continually seeking the emotional highs associated with their presence.

Similarities to Addiction

The brain's response to limerence is strikingly similar to its response to addictive substances. Just as drugs can hijack the brain's reward system, so can the infatuation with a limerence object. This similarity explains why people experiencing limerence may find it extremely challenging to break free from their obsessive thoughts and feelings. The constant craving for reciprocation and the emotional rollercoaster can mimic the highs and lows of addiction, making the experience of limerence both compelling and difficult to escape.

Psychological Reinforcement

Beyond the chemical reactions, psychological factors also reinforce limerence. Idealizing the limerence object and putting them on a pedestal can lead to a distorted perception of reality, where the limerent's happiness and self-worth are tied to the limerence object's approval. This psychological reinforcement can make the limerence object seem like the ultimate source of fulfillment, perpetuating the cycle of obsession and fantasy.


Why Do We Escape into Fantasy with a Limerence Object?

The Allure of the Unattainable

The unattainable nature of the limerence object often adds to their allure. The fantasy of being with someone who seems perfect and out of reach can be incredibly compelling and hard to resist.

Limerence vs. Genuine Love

While limerence can feel like genuine love, it is often based more on fantasy and idealization than on a real, mutual connection. Understanding the differences between love and limerence can help in recognizing and addressing these feelings.

Limerence Relationships in Pop Culture

Pop culture is filled with examples of limerence relationships, where characters are obsessed with an idealized version of someone. These portrayals can shape our perceptions of love and relationships, often romanticizing limerence.

Limerence relationships are a popular theme in various forms of pop culture, including movies, books, and television series. Here are three contemporary examples that depict characters obsessed with an idealized version of someone, showcasing how these portrayals can influence our understanding of love and obsession:

  1. "You" (Netflix Series)


    The series "You" features Joe Goldberg, a character who epitomizes limerence with a dark twist. Joe becomes intensely infatuated with various women throughout the series, idealizing them and believing that he is uniquely suited to love and protect them. His obsession leads him to stalk and manipulate them, showcasing an extreme and criminal form of limerence where the idealization of his love interests justifies his disturbing actions. This series highlights the dangers of limerence when combined with a lack of boundaries and disregard for others' autonomy.

  2. "The Great Gatsby" (Book and Various Film Adaptations)


    Jay Gatsby's love for Daisy Buchanan in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s "The Great Gatsby" is a classic example of limerence. Gatsby idealizes Daisy, viewing her as a symbol of perfection and the ultimate fulfillment of his dreams. His obsession with her shapes every decision he makes, leading to his downfall. Despite her flaws and the reality of their situation, Gatsby’s perception of Daisy remains untarnished, demonstrating how limerence can distort one’s perception and lead to irrational decisions based on an idealized version of another person.

  3. "Euphoria" (HBO Series)


    In the HBO series "Euphoria," the character Jules experiences a form of limerence when she becomes romantically involved with "Tyler," who is later revealed to be Nate using a false identity. Jules fantasizes about a romantic and intimate relationship, projecting her desires and needs onto the persona Nate has created. This relationship highlights how limerence can be fueled by the digital age's anonymity and idealization, where the real attributes of the person are obscured, and a perfect illusion can be maintained.

    4. "Baby Reindeer" (Netflix Series)



    "Baby Reindeer" is a gripping Netflix series that explores a dark and intense form of limerence through the eyes of Donny Dunn, a struggling comedian who becomes the object of an obsessive and unsettling fixation by Martha, a customer at the pub where he works. Her obsession begins with a seemingly innocent act of kindness from Donny, escalating into a suffocating and dangerous infatuation that profoundly impacts his personal and professional life. The series delves into the complexities of limerence, showcasing its potential to transform into a perilous and all-consuming force. Read more about Narcissistic Stalking and Limerence and Baby Reindeer's full analysis. 

These examples from recent pop culture illustrate how limerence, characterized by an obsessive and idealized love, can lead to both enriching narratives and cautionary tales. They show the compelling nature of limerence in storytelling, where characters are driven to extreme actions by their all-consuming passions.

The Psychological Impact of Limerence

Common Triggers of Limerence

Various factors can trigger limerence, including unmet emotional needs, previous relationship experiences, and certain personality traits. Recognizing these triggers can be the first step in managing limerence.

Healthy vs. Unhealthy Limerence

Not all limerence is unhealthy. In some cases, it can be a normal part of the early stages of a relationship. However, when it becomes obsessive and all-consuming, it can be detrimental to one's mental health and relationships.

CPTSD and Limerence

Complex PTSD (CPTSD) can exacerbate limerence, as individuals with CPTSD may be more prone to idealizing others and seeking escape through fantasy. Understanding the connection between CPTSD and limerence can aid in addressing both issues.

Complex PTSD (CPTSD) can exacerbate limerence, making individuals more prone to idealizing others and seeking escape through fantasy. People with CPTSD often experience emotional dysregulation and might use limerence as a coping mechanism to escape painful memories or feelings of trauma. This can lead to an intensified and often unrealistic attachment to a limerence object, where the person with CPTSD might project desires for safety, love, and validation onto someone they view as ideal.

Heightened Emotional Sensitivity

Individuals with CPTSD are typically more sensitive to emotional stimuli and may have a heightened need for emotional connections, which can make the euphoric aspects of limerence particularly appealing. The intense emotions associated with limerence can temporarily mask underlying feelings of distress, loneliness, or sadness that are common in CPTSD.

The Role of Fantasy

For those with CPTSD, the fantasy component of limerence provides a temporary respite from their usual feelings of hypervigilance or anxiety. The imagined perfect relationship with the limerence object can offer feelings of control and predictability, which are often lacking in their real-life experiences.

Challenges in Relationships

The combination of CPTSD and limerence can lead to challenges in forming and maintaining healthy relationships. The idealization typical of limerence can set unrealistic expectations for relationships, which when unmet, may reinforce feelings of inadequacy or abandonment that are core to CPTSD.

Addressing Both Issues

Understanding the interaction between CPTSD and limerence is crucial for effective management. Therapy and treatment approaches that address both the traumatic experiences underlying CPTSD and the obsessive aspects of limerence are important. Techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) can be helpful in treating both conditions by helping individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and more realistic perceptions of others.

This integrated approach can help individuals with CPTSD reduce their dependence on limerence as a coping strategy, aiding in the development of healthier interpersonal relationships and emotional regulation.

How to Recognize and Manage Limerence

Coping Strategies for Limerence

Managing limerence involves recognizing the signs and implementing coping strategies. Techniques such as mindfulness, therapy, and setting healthy boundaries can help. For more detailed strategies, learn about dealing with limerence while in a marriage.

Steps to Overcome Limerence

Overcoming limerence requires conscious effort and self-awareness. Steps include acknowledging the issue, seeking professional help, and focusing on building healthy, reciprocal relationships. You can find more guidance on overcoming limerence.


Limerence can be a powerful and overwhelming experience, leading us to escape into a world of fantasy with an idealized version of someone. By understanding the characteristics of limerence and its psychological impact, we can recognize and manage these feelings, ultimately striving for healthier, more fulfilling relationships. For further reading on managing limerence in different contexts, such as during a midlife crisis or dealing with infidelity, explore articles on overcoming a limerence affair and confronting emotional challenges.

Additionally, understanding the difference between love and limerence can aid in making healthier relationship choices.