The Mindset

Dating someone with borderline personality disorder(BPD) : What to expect, How make it work, Tips

Written by Ana Lomtadze | May 6, 2024 12:25:41 PM

Table of Contents

  1. What is BPD?
  2. What to Know About Dating Someone with BPD
  3. How else do you help someone with BPD feel loved
  4. Emotional Turmoil and Confusion in a relationship with someone with BPD
  5. Tips for Dating Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder
  6. Useful Tips for people with BPD in a Love Relationship
  7. Conclusion

What is BPD?

BPD stands for Borderline Personality Disorder. It is a mental health condition characterized by unstable moods, behaviors, and relationships. People with BPD may experience intense mood swings, impulsivity, difficulty with relationships, and a distorted self-image. Treatment for BPD often includes therapy, medication, and support from mental health professionals.

Overview of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent patterns of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, emotions, and impulsivity. Individuals with BPD often struggle with intense and unstable emotions, have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships, have a distorted self-image, and engage in impulsive and self-destructive behaviors.
Some common symptoms of BPD include intense fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, impulsivity, emotional instability, feelings of emptiness, difficulty controlling anger, and self-harming behaviors. People with BPD may also experience chronic feelings of emptiness, identity disturbance, and dissociation.
BPD is typically diagnosed through a thorough psychiatric evaluation and may be treated with a combination of therapy, medication, and other interventions. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a common type of therapy used to help individuals with BPD manage their emotions and behaviors. Medications such as antidepressants or mood stabilizers may also be prescribed to help manage symptoms.
While BPD can be a challenging disorder to live with, with appropriate treatment and support, individuals with BPD can learn to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. It is important for individuals with BPD to seek help from mental health professionals and develop healthy coping strategies to effectively manage their symptoms.

What to Know About Dating Someone with BPD 

Common Symptoms and Behaviors

  1. Intense fear of abandonment: People with BPD often have a pervasive fear of being abandoned or rejected by those they are close to.
    2. Unstable relationships: Individuals with BPD may have intense, turbulent relationships characterized by idealization and devaluation of their partners.
    3. Impulsive behavior: People with BPD may engage in impulsive behaviors such as reckless driving, substance abuse, gambling, or unsafe sex.
    4. Mood swings: Individuals with BPD can experience rapid and intense shifts in their emotions, often leading to extreme highs and lows.
    5. Self-destructive behavior: People with BPD may engage in self-harming behaviors such as cutting or burning themselves as a way to cope with emotional pain.
    6. Chronic feelings of emptiness: Individuals with BPD may struggle with a chronic sense of emptiness or feelings of numbness.
    7. Identity disturbance: Those with BPD may have a poor sense of self-identity, leading to confusion about their values, beliefs, and interests.
    8. Difficulty regulating emotions: People with BPD may have difficulty managing their emotions, leading to frequent outbursts of anger, sadness, or anxiety.
    9. Dissociation: Individuals with BPD may experience episodes of dissociation, where they feel disconnected from their thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.
    10. Paranoia or dissociation: People with BPD may have paranoid thoughts or experience feelings of detachment from reality.

Dating tips for someone with BPD

Dating someone with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can be challenging, but there are some important things to know in order to have a healthy and successful relationship with them. Here are some key points to keep in mind:
1. Understanding BPD: BPD is a mental health disorder characterized by emotional dysregulation, intense mood swings, unstable relationships, and impulsive behavior. It is important to educate yourself about the symptoms and challenges of BPD in order to better understand your partner's experiences and reactions. A Borderline personality disorder may lead to different difficulties and you need to be educated about the consequences.
2. Practice patience and empathy: People with BPD often struggle with intense emotions and may have difficulty regulating their feelings. It is important to be patient and understanding when your partner is experiencing emotional distress, and to offer them empathy and support in those moments.
3. Set boundaries: While it is important to be supportive of your partner, it is also important to set boundaries in the relationship. People with BPD may sometimes engage in impulsive or destructive behaviors, feel like you're on the edge and it is important to establish clear and healthy boundaries to protect your own well-being.
4. Communication is key: Open and honest communication is essential in a relationship with someone who has BPD. Encourage your partner to express their thoughts and feelings, and listen actively and non-judgmentally when they do. Clear communication can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
5. Seek support: Dating someone with BPD can be challenging, and it is important to seek support for yourself as well. Consider attending therapy, joining a support group, or seeking guidance from a mental health professional to help you navigate the unique challenges of being in a relationship with someone who has BPD.
6. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself is crucial when dating someone with BPD. Make sure to prioritize your own well-being and mental health, and engage in self-care activities that help you recharge and maintain a healthy balance in the relationship.
Overall, dating someone with BPD can be challenging, but with patience, understanding, and open communication, it is possible to have a fulfilling and loving relationship with your partner. Remember to prioritize self-care and seek support when needed to navigate the unique challenges that may arise. 

How else do you help someone with BPD feel loved

1. Validate their feelings and experiences: Let them know that you understand and empathize with their struggles. Avoid minimizing their emotions or dismissing their concerns.
2. Offer reassurance and support: Remind them that they are not alone in their struggles and that you are there for them. Encourage them to reach out for help when needed and offer to assist them in finding resources or treatment options.
3. Practice active listening: Listen to their thoughts and feelings without judgment or interruption. Make an effort to truly understand their perspective and show that you are present and engaged with what they are sharing.
4. Show physical affection: Physical touch can be comforting and reassuring for someone with BPD. Offer hugs, cuddles, or other forms of affection to show your love and support.
5. Engage in activities together: Spend quality time with them doing activities they enjoy. This can help distract them from negative thoughts and feelings and strengthen your bond.
6. Be patient and understanding: Dealing with BPD can be challenging for both the individual and their loved ones. Be patient, compassionate, and understanding, even when their behavior may be difficult to handle.
7. Encourage them to seek professional help: BPD can be effectively managed with the help of therapy and other treatments. Encourage your loved one to seek professional help and offer your support in finding a therapist or treatment plan that works for them.

Emotional Turmoil and Confusion in a relationship with someone with BPD

Navigating a relationship with someone who has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can be a rollercoaster of emotions, characterized by intense highs and lows. Understanding the emotional turmoil and confusion that often accompany such relationships is crucial for both partners to foster empathy, patience, and effective communication.

Recognizing Trauma in Yourself

During dating someone with BPD, living with BPD or after dating person with borderline personality disorder, can left some traumas. 

Recognizing Trauma Symptoms:

  1. Emotional Distress: Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or anger long after the relationship has ended.
  2. Hypervigilance: Feeling constantly on edge, hypervigilant, or easily startled due to past experiences.
  3. Avoidance: Avoiding reminders of the past relationship, such as places or activities associated with your ex-partner.
  4. Negative Self-Image: Feeling unworthy, ashamed, or blaming yourself for the difficulties in the relationship.
  5. Flashbacks or Intrusive Thoughts: Vivid memories or intrusive thoughts about traumatic events in the relationship.
  6. Difficulty Trusting Others: Struggling to trust or form new relationships due to past betrayals or emotional trauma.

Strategies for Healing and Recovery:

  1. Seek Professional Help: Consider therapy or counseling with a mental health professional experienced in trauma and relationship issues.
  2. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and recognize that your feelings are valid. Practice self-care activities that promote healing and relaxation.
  3. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with your ex-partner to protect your emotional well-being and limit triggers.
  4. Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques: Engage in mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or grounding techniques to manage anxiety and stay present.
  5. Connect with Supportive Networks: Lean on friends, family, or support groups who understand your experiences and can offer empathy and guidance.
  6. Educate Yourself: Learn more about trauma, BPD, and healthy relationship dynamics to gain insights and perspective on your experiences.
  7. Give Yourself Time: Healing from trauma takes time and patience. To end the relationship is not easy step. Allow yourself to process emotions at your own pace and celebrate small victories along the way.

Tips for Dating Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder

  1. Learn Triggers: Identify potential triggers for your partner's BPD symptoms and work together to minimize their impact. This may involve avoiding certain topics during sensitive times or finding coping strategies together.

  2. Explore Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): DBT is a highly effective therapy for managing BPD symptoms. Consider learning DBT skills together or supporting your partner in attending DBT therapy sessions.

  3. Create a Safe Space: Foster a safe and supportive environment where both partners feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment or criticism.

  4. Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that recovery and progress take time. Set realistic expectations for yourselves and the relationship, focusing on continuous improvement rather than perfection.

  5. Encourage Healthy Relationships Outside the Partnership: Support your partner in maintaining healthy relationships with friends, family, and support groups. Social connections play a vital role in emotional well-being.

  6. Prioritize Self-Compassion: Show yourself and your partner compassion during difficult times. Self-compassion reduces self-criticism and promotes acceptance and resilience.

Tips for People with Borderline Personality Disorder

  1. Develop Coping Strategies: Identify and practice healthy coping strategies to manage stress and emotional dysregulation. This might include journaling, creative outlets like art or music, or physical activities like exercise.

  2. Establish a Routine: Create a structured daily routine that includes regular meals, exercise, adequate sleep, and self-care activities. Predictability and routine can help stabilize mood and reduce anxiety.

  3. Build Supportive Relationships: Surround yourself with understanding and supportive friends, family members, or support groups. Healthy relationships can provide emotional support and encouragement during difficult times.

  4. Communicate Effectively: Learn and practice effective communication skills such as assertiveness, active listening, and expressing emotions calmly and clearly. Communicating needs and boundaries can improve relationships and reduce conflicts.

  5. Monitor Emotional Triggers: Identify personal triggers that exacerbate BPD symptoms such as abandonment fears, rejection sensitivity, or intense mood swings. Develop strategies to manage these triggers proactively.

  6. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind and compassionate toward yourself, especially during challenging times. Avoid self-criticism and practice self-care activities that promote relaxation and well-being.

  7. Stay Consistent with Treatment: Attend therapy sessions regularly, take prescribed medications as directed, and follow through with treatment plans recommended by your healthcare providers.

  8. Engage in Healthy Habits: Maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious meals, avoiding substance abuse, limiting alcohol consumption, and avoiding self-harming behaviors.

  9. Seek Help in Crisis: Have a crisis plan in place and know who to contact in case of emergencies or severe symptoms. Reach out to mental health professionals or crisis hotlines for immediate support when needed.

Useful Tips for people with BPD in a Love Relationship

  1. Communicate Openly and Clearly:

    • Express your feelings, needs, and concerns openly but calmly. Use "I" statements to avoid blaming or accusing your partner.
    • Practice active listening to understand your partner's perspective and validate their feelings.
  2. Set Boundaries and Respect Them:

    • Establish clear boundaries within the relationship regarding personal space, time, and activities.
    • Respect your partner's boundaries as well, and communicate if you feel uncomfortable or need adjustments.
  3. Learn and Practice Emotional Regulation:

    • Identify triggers that lead to intense emotional reactions. Develop coping strategies such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or grounding techniques to manage overwhelming emotions.
    • Take breaks during conflicts to calm down before discussing issues calmly and constructively.
  4. Attend Therapy Regularly:

    • Engage in individual therapy focused on skills such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), or schema therapy to address emotional dysregulation, impulsivity, and relationship challenges.
    • Consider couples therapy to improve communication, enhance empathy, and work through relationship dynamics effectively.
  5. Develop Self-Awareness and Self-Validation:

    • Practice self-reflection to understand your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors better. Challenge negative self-perceptions and practice self-compassion.
    • Recognize and celebrate your progress and efforts in managing BPD symptoms and improving relationship skills.
  6. Use Crisis Plans and Safety Strategies:

    • Create a crisis plan with your therapist or mental health provider outlining steps to follow during intense emotional crises or impulsive urges.
    • Identify safe coping mechanisms and distraction techniques to use during distressing moments.
  7. Explore Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills:

    • Learn assertiveness skills to express your needs and desires effectively without aggression or manipulation.
    • Practice negotiation and compromise in decision-making processes within the relationship, considering both your needs and your partner's.
  8. Build a Support Network:

    • Cultivate relationships with supportive friends, family members, or peer support groups who understand BPD and can provide empathy, encouragement, and perspective.
    • Stay connected with your mental health care team and follow treatment recommendations consistently.
  9. Focus on Stability and Self-Care:

    • Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular sleep patterns, balanced nutrition, exercise, and stress management practices.
    • Engage in activities you enjoy and that promote relaxation, creativity, and self-expression.
  10. Be Patient and Practice Acceptance:

    • Understand that progress takes time, and setbacks may occur. Be patient with yourself and your partner as you navigate challenges together.
    • Practice acceptance of yourself, your emotions, and your partner's limitations, focusing on growth and mutual understanding.


Dating someone with borderline personality disorder (BPD) can be challenging,  It's important to have open communication and set boundaries while being understanding and supportive. Seeking professional help and therapy can also be beneficial for both individuals in the relationship. Ultimately, with patience, empathy, and proper support, a relationship with someone with BPD can be fulfilling and rewarding.